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Exploring your Choices and

shaping your own Future.

Authentic & impactful.

This is what I support you with as your Career Coach.

Du fragst Dich: Was ist mein weiterer Weg? Was will ich wirklich? Möglichkeiten beleuchten, Entscheidungen bewusst treffen & Deine Zukunft aktiv zu gestalten. Dabei unterstütze ich Dich als Coach in Düsseldorf.

Known from 



You have achieved quite a bit already but are currently looking for a new job or are at risk of unemployment (e.g. because you are currently on short-time work or your fixed-term contract expires in a few months) and need professional support through individual one-on-one coaching? You are at a point where you ask yourself: What is my further path? What do I really want?

  • You are actually quite satisfied with the direction you have taken so far, but are now facing a(n in)voluntary change?

  • To date, you've used upcoming (development) opportunities, having arrived where you are now rather coincidentally?

  • You are wondering what your individual strengths are and how they can help you leverage your full potential?

  • You had a plan but somehow feel stuck – for whatever reasons?

  • You are exactly where you should be on your way towards your goal, but reality looks different than expected

  • You are facing an important professional decision, your thoughts are going around in circles and the pressure is increasing?

Then you have come to the right place.

Individual 1:1 Coaching in your Professional Reorientation

With an Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein (AVGS, "activation and placement voucher") from the German Bundesagentur für Arbeit, such online coaching can be supported as part of your professional (re)orientation or reintegration of your professional path.

As a professionally trained systemic coach and strength coach, I support you with selected methods, techniques & questions in order to gain clarity about your inner drivers, individual values ​​and strengths in order to leverage your potential and develop new perspectives.


Here, I design the process, while you always remain an expert for your life. We work together to develop sustainable solutions that are just right for you and form the basis for the development and implementation of your job application strategy. I support you throughout this coaching process as a reflection and sparring partner, resource (re)activator, development or clarification assistant, motivator, feedback provider and attentive listener - always with great curiosity, openness and respect.

Specialized in Academics, Professionals and Managers

As a career and strengths coach, I am AZAV certified and specialize in the needs of professionals and managers. I support my customers on their journey to explore their individual potential and needs. Among other things, we find answers to questions such as: What is my further path? What do I really want? Which corporate culture suits me? Come out of this coaching with new clarity and strengthened self-confidence to make your future career decisions out of an inner security and to actively shape your future.

Optional Focus Areas

  • Mastering Change Processes: We explore your individual challenge(s) and potential inner blockages, make resources visible and develop concrete action points.

  • Inner Values: Together we work out your inner guide rails, which will be a valuable compass on your path.

  • Mission & Inner Drivers: We analyze your previous career decisions from different perspectives, take a look at your skills, needs and roles and work out your personal mission and inner drivers.

  • Potential Analysis: As I am a strength coach, certified by the Gallup Institute, we use the CliftonStrengths Assessment (interpersonal personality analysis) and analyze your personal strength profile in order to identify your potentials and make them usable in a sustainable way.

  • Decision Making: Together, we take a close look at your situation, analyze individual challenges as well as potential internal blockages and, as decision support, explore the options from a new perspective.

Your Way into a 100% AVGS-funded Coaching with me

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It is possible to have this coaching process virtually through an online coaching software I use.

You can find more information about how you can request and receive your voucher for AVGS-funded coaching here or on the website of the Arbeitsagentur.


I am Gina,

and as a professional coach I support people who don’t want to leave their own path to coincidence (any longer) and would like to experience themselves as being authentic and impactful. I help provide clarity and structure – in doing so, my clients value my appreciative, positive and constructive style. This enables them to experience life with its many opportunities as an adventure on safe ground. 

I am happy to accompany you as a reflection and sparring partner, resource (re)activator, development or clarification helper, motivator, feedback provider and attentive listener – always with great curiosity, openness and respect.

My Background

I have more than 14 years of professional experience in marketing and project management as well as in leading positions in the media & international telecommunications industry and the educational foundation sector.​

During these years tackled new and instructive assign-ments at home and abroad repeatedly with joy, knowing the diverse challenges one is facing in everyday work – from a group corporation to a startup. I know that it gets difficult sometimes to steadily remain true to oneself, whilst still being able to change perspectives and actively bring about decisions. At the same time, I know how fulfilling it is to shape one's own path consciously and experience oneself as being impactful.

Gina Friedrich - Career & Life Coach

Here you'll find our Code of Conduct

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Coaching Setting (currently only online)

Coaching sessions can take place in my office in Düsseldorf or online via CAI®.
***Due to the current situation, coachings are only taking place virtually***


What my Clients say



I’m excited to hear from you!

Gina Friedrich Individual & Team Coaching

+49 151 64 66 44 01​​​

Live now! My Make it YOUR Path Podcast! More here or subscribe now: Apple PodcastsAndroid | Spotify | Deezer | TuneIn

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