This is what I support you with as your Coach.
Exploring your Choices and
shaping your own Future.
Authentic & impactful.
Information in Accordance with § 5 TMG
German Tax number: 11/058/00324
VAT ID (USt-ID): DE323766676
Occupational Title: Systemic Process Consultant
Professional Liability Insurance: Allianz Deutschland AG, Königinstraße 28, 80802 München, Germany
Area of Validity: worldwide
Gina Friedrich
Gina Friedrich | Individual & Team Coaching
40213 Düsseldorf
HQ: Hohe Bleichen 22, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
(AZAV certified premises)
Further Information
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Practicing according to the DBVC Coaching Compendium
As part of my profession I agree to the DBVC's (German Coaching Association e.V.) Coaching Compendium "Coaching as a Profession" as the basis for professional coaching practices.