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Exploring your Choices and

shaping your own Future.

Authentic & impactful.

This is what I support you with as your Coach.



Even the best people have doubts along the way, ask themselves “What do I really want?” and face uncertainties and worries. In their stories you will find inspiration and motivation for your own professional and personal path.

Listen to Make it YOUR Path!


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If you've already achieved quite a lot, but find yourself asking, 'What’s my next step?' Explore your options, make conscious decisions, and actively shape your future.

For entrepreneurs,


managers and

high potentials

   Individual Coaching

Business Coaching

For teams that want to align clearly towards a common goal and leverage the skills & strengths of each member with a focus on the whole to unleash their full potential.

Team Coaching

Gina Friedrich mit Kunde am Tisch in Coaching Sitzung.jpg

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Known from 


Gina Friedrich Portrait

Hi, I am Gina Friedrich,

and as a professional coach I support people who don’t want to leave their own path to coincidence (any longer). I help provide clarity and structure – in doing so, my clients value my appreciative, positive and constructive style. This enables them to experience their life with its many opportunities as an adventure on safe ground. 

I'm happy to accompany you as a reflection and sparring partner, resource (re)activator, development or clarification helper, motivator, feedback provider and attentive listener – always with great curiosity, openness and respect.

My Background

I have more than 14 years of professional experience in marketing and project management as well as in leading positions in the media & international telecommunications industry and the educational foundation sector.​

During these years I tackled new and instructive assignments at home and abroad repeatedly with joy, knowing the diverse challenges one is facing in everyday work – from a group corporation to a startup. I know that it gets difficult sometimes to steadily remain true to oneself, whilst still being able to change perspectives and actively bring about decisions. At the same time, I know how fulfilling it is to shape one's own path consciously and experience oneself as being impactful.

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I’m excited to hear from you!

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Gina Friedrich Individual & Team Coaching​​​

+49 151 64 66 44 01

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