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Gina Friedrich | Your Business, Career & Life Coach in Düsseldorf.


A study of the Gallup Institute shows, that more and more people want a “good job” that contributes to something that is important to them - and maybe even bigger than themselves. If what you do professionally merges with what drives you personally, then such a job can have a huge impact on your quality of life. In this article, which was published on Life in Düsseldorf, I explain you why your natural strengths are a key factor in achieving your goals and how you can recognize and develop your strengths. 

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You are just not sure about the next professional step on your path?

Even in such a professional (re-)orientation phase it is valuable and important to be fully aware of your own individual strengths. The reason is that, in addition to the natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, they also stand for underlying needs! Knowing this helps you to find out what a (new) role and setting has to look like and which corporate culture suits you - in order to feel exactly right there and to be able to leverage your full potential.





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I am Gina Friedrich and as a professional coach I support people who don’t want to leave their own path to coincidence (any longer).


I help them explore their choices, make conscious decisions and shape their future proactively. 

Do you have any feedback, questions or are you looking for support to identify your strengths and leverage them to achieve your goals? Be it in your current job or whilst finding your next professional challenge? I am Gina Friedrich and as a certified strengths and career coach, I support you in actively shaping your future.

Use the opportunity to book your free initial consultation to find out how I could support you as your coach - personally in Düsseldorf or online.

I'm looking forward to your e-mail or call on +49 151 64 66 44 01.

More informationen about me & my offers you'll find here: Career & Life Coaching | Business Coaching | Team Coaching

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